Annual Business Meeting Minutes – 10/6
- posted in News
See the attendance roster at the ArONE conference held the 2nd day of the AHA annual meeting.
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Julie Brandt, President @ 12:25 PM.
Minutes – Minutes from August 5, 2011 meeting were available on the tables for review. An opportunity was provided for discussion, request, or edit. A motion was made to accept the minutes as presented, and that motion was seconded. The minutes were approved as presented.
Financial Report – A financial report was provided by Julie Brandt, President. As of September 30, 2011, there is a balance of $20,752.03 which includes $15,294.08 cash and $5457.95 in a CD. Lyndsey Dumas maintains our financial statements and was applauded for this excellent work.
Committee Reports
Membership – It was reported that the chapter currently has 141 members compared to 113 in 2009. Other statistics provided by the membership leader was available on the table for review and will be attached to the minutes.
Bylaws – Barbara Mazzuchi reported that the board has been working on the bylaws revisions and was sent to the membership in advance of this meeting so that final action could be voted on at this meeting. After lengthy discussion on Section 1.2 Affiliate Members, there was a motion to change the wording in that section to strike the part about non-RN can become members. There were no objections to this motion and the bylaws with the indicated change passed by vote of 19 to 0 in favor of revisions. This included the increase in due to $50.00/year.
Summer Conference– Cheryl Hoying, President of national AONE was the keynote speaker during the conference and displayed the new AONE logo. This conference had great evaluations.
Old Business
None to report.
New Business
Arkansas Organization of Nurse Executive’s logo- The newly proposed acronym for the Arkansas AONE will now be ArONE and was approved by the membership present. At the August 4th board meeting, there was a recommendation to have a design contest for our new log that would go along with our new acronym (ArONE). Guidelines will be distributed to the members once approved and communication of the contest prize will be done.
Board member vacancies
The current board members and positions held were recognized by Julie Brandt, President. There are two members who will be off going members as of October 2011 and the membership will need to vote today to replace these members. There will also be a president elect position on the board that is vacant and will be voted on today. Julie Brandt, President also reminded the membership about some of the responsibilities of the board members. These included making policy decisions, establishing rules for the organization, determining bylaws for the organization, making resolutions and other actions and developing and approving an annual budget. The President elect will serve 1 year as President Elect and then 2 years as President.
The ballots were distributed after a brief introduction and biographical presentation of the candidates. The ballot included the following:
President Elect: Barb Mazzuchi and Lori Brown
Board member: Richard Billingsley, Mary Helen Forrest, Geneva Murphy, Peggy Pierre, and Paulette Tolefree
There were no write in candidates nominated by the membership. The voting occurred and the President Elect was announced to be Barb Mazzuchi. The voting for the board members (after a tie vote) was announced to be Richard Billingsley and Paulette Tolefree.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM by Julie Brandt, President.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Hickman, RN
ArONE Secretary
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