Spring Business Meeting Minutes – 4/27
- posted in News
See the attendance roster at the ArONE conference.
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Julie Brandt, President at 12:15 PM.
Minutes – Minutes from October 6, 2011 were briefly reviewed.
Introduction of ArONE Board Members– Julie Brandt
The following board members were introduced to the members: Holly Langster, Stephana Loyd, Barbara Dyson, Rick Billingsley, Paulette Tolefree, Louise Hickman.
Membership Update – Paulette Tolefree
Members were emailed and encouraged to renew their membership with ArONE. Currently there are 107 members. Paulette encouraged all to renew/join ArONE and get involved. There are brochures at registration table and on the website
Program Update: Holly Langster
There are usually 3 meetings a year for ArONE (Spring, Summer, and Fall). Suggested topics for the summer conference were meaningful use, ACO’s and care transitions. Any other suggestions should be communicated to Holly Langster. October 4, 2012 is the meeting in conjunction with the AHA annual meeting and usually involves the ASBN speaker. Tentative dates for the summer conference were discussed.
Financial Report – A financial report was provided by Julie Brandt, President. As of March 31, 2012, there is a balance of $19,763.81 cash and $5504.9 in a CD.
Logo Contest
There was a bylaws change last October that included an acronym change for our state organization from AONE to ArONE to not confuse Arkansas Organization of Nurse Executives with American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) acronym. Following the bylaws changes a logo contest was initiated and we received a total of 16 submissions. The Board narrowed the selections to 4. Survey Monkey will be utilized for the voting process via email with the winning logo to be unveiled at the October meeting.
Webpage – Barbara Dyson
The revised webpage will be unveiled in October meeting as well. The members present were asked for suggestion for value/meaningful links to be available on the ArONE website and to send those suggestions to her.
ARNA 100th Anniversary Celebration – Shirlene Harris/Veronica Clark
Information was provided by the representatives about the celebration activities throughout the state that are being sponsored by the ARNA districts. Discussion followed about the final gala event in December. Packets with letters, history, Governors proclamation and informatin about the gala event were distributed to those present.
National AONE update – Barbara Dyson/Louise Hickman
Barbara and Louise attended the national AONE meeting in March in Boston. Both shared with the group some updates from the meeting. Barbara focused on the IOM report on Future of Nursing. She shared some of the ways that the other states are beginning to address these topics and some suggestions on what we could possibly consider. Louise focused on the general and concurrent sessions and shared some samples of what other institutions are doing to address the roles of APN, value based reform, rapid cycle changes and culture of safety, and innovative technology for practices. She also discussed the 63 poster sessions and how awesome some of the posters were. She posed the question to the members present if we should consider future poster session at our conferences.
Adjournment– The meeting adjourned at 12:45 PM by Julie Brandt, President.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Hickman, RN
ArONE Secretary
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