Summer Business Meeting Minutes
- posted in News
See the attendance roster at the ArONE conference.
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Julie Brandt, President at 12:34 PM.
Minutes – Minutes from April 27, 2012 business meeting were available as distributed.
Introduction of ArONE Board Members– Julie Brandt
The board members present were introduced to the members present at this meeting.
Membership Update- Paulette Tolefree
Members were challenged to get more of their peers to join ArONE and upon return to work to encourage members to join at $50 registration fee. Highlight the benefits of joining to include the educational sessions, membership to AHA, networking opportunities. Goal is to have a membership of 244. Currently there are 122 members. There are brochures at registration table and on the website
There are two board member vacant positions as of October. Holly Langster and Stephana Loyd will be rotating off and we are seeking candidates and nominations. If you are interested in self-nomination, please submit CV and/or resume by September 1, 2012.
Program Committee Update: Holly Langster
October 4, 2012 is the meeting in conjunction with the AHA annual meeting and usually involves the ASBN speaker.
Logo Contest – winner will be announced at the fall conference and the new logo will be unveiled. We would like to do poster presentations at future conferences that would highlight best practices occurring around the state. In the near future, there will be a call for abstracts in March or April in preparation of this for the spring conference.
Webpage Committee Update- Barbara Dyson
October 4, 2012, the new website will be revealed also. Each member was asked to visit the current website so that a basis of comparison can occur when you see the new one. If you have any suggestions for website improvements, please let Barbara know. Some past suggestions include benefits of membership, member blog, posting of AONE national news, etc.
Financial Report – A financial report was provided by Julie Brandt, President. As of July 31, 2012, there is a balance of $17,568.61cash and $5504.90 in a CD for total of $23,073.51. This does not include costs for this conference plus the $1000 donation for ArNA. We are also in the process of obtaining national speakers for future conference.
ASBN T-shirt Contest – Sandy Priebe
Arkansas State Board of Nursing T-shirt design content flyer was distributed. Sandy indicated the deadline for submission of design is September 7, 2012.
Adjournment- The meeting adjourned at 12:46 PM by Julie Brandt, President.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Hickman, RN, ArONE Secretary
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