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Spring Conference What a Success
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Spring Conference What a Success
The 2013 Spring Conference was held at Baptist Health Medical Center – Little Rock, in the Gilbreath Conference Center on March 1, 2013. This conference theme was “Competency Assessment for the Real World” by Donna Wright. This conference was well attended and the agenda provided a wealth of knowledge for all who attended.
The presentation and presenters included:
Taking the next Step with Intentional Rounds and the Effect on Patient Safety
Presenter: Shawnda Swearengin
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Presenter: Taryn Bailey
Walking Report
Presenter: Dawn Moore
Fall Risk Management
Presenter: Janie Evans
Sharing Our Story Through a Professional Practice Model
Presenter: Patricia Sue Ragsdale
2013 Publications Committee Announcement
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Louise Hickman, RN, BSN, MA, CLNC was appointed to an AONE Publications Committee.
The 2013 AONE Publications Committee appointment is from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013.
The initial charge for this group will be to:
• Review publications, manuscripts and other media brought to AONE for endorsement or review
• Solicit and author (as appropriate) manuscripts for AONE publications and publication commitments
• Solicit and author (as appropriate) manuscripts and other publications as requested from other organizations or journals
This group will meet 4-6 times per year by teleconference.
The chair of this committee is Elaine Cohen, EdD, RN, FAAN.
The Co-Chair is Sharon Pappas, RN, PhD, NEA-BC
Speakers Inspire at Summer Conference
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The August 24th Summer Conference was an incredible event packed full of exciting speakers and a lot of great networking time.
Dewey Freeman presented a very timely update on Meaningful Use. As nursing leaders, it is imperative that we know and understand the requirements our organizations face and how we can impact the success of EMR implementation.
Sue Ragsdale brought us very practical “how to” tips for creating award winning poster presentations. ArONE has made a pledge to begin bringing poster presentations to the educational meetings. Nursing does incredible work every day that impacts patient care, quality, outcomes, and healthcare improvements across the board. It is imperative that we share that work and the knowledge of how to replicate it throughout the state.
Beth Hennessey presented an incredible message on care transitions throughout the spectrum of health. Nursing has a place at the table of healthcare, it’s not the place on the side line or the end….it is the HEAD of the table. We cannot navigate through the ever changing processes of the health care environment without claiming that seat and taking action. Taking control of the transitions in healthcare improves patient care, outcomes, quality, and financial resource utilization. Accountable Care Organization establishment and function and Value Based Purchasing payment programs are only a few (really big) reasons why nursing needs to get to work making transitions in care better than ever before.
ArONE is an organization dedicated to Advancing Nursing Leadership in Arkansas. If you are a nursing leader in the State of Arkansas, you need to be a part of ArONE. Contact one of the board members at anytime for questions or information ~ together we can do more.
Spring Conference a Success
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This year’s spring conference was held at Baptist Health North Little Rock on April 27, 2012 and was well received by all who attended. As you see from the agenda below, it was quite robust and topics timely.
Presenters and presentations included: Decreasing Risk-And Meeting Regulatory Requirements by Phyllis Dorrough, Evidence Based Practice: Understanding It & Applying It to Nursing by Sheila Sullivan, and Healthcare Litigation: What We’re Seeing Now and How Nurses are at Risk by Michelle Ator.
Summer Business Meeting Minutes
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See the attendance roster at the ArONE conference.
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Julie Brandt, President at 12:34 PM.
Minutes – Minutes from April 27, 2012 business meeting were available as distributed.
Introduction of ArONE Board Members– Julie Brandt
The board members present were introduced to the members present at this meeting.
Membership Update- Paulette Tolefree
Members were challenged to get more of their peers to join ArONE and upon return to work to encourage members to join at $50 registration fee. Highlight the benefits of joining to include the educational sessions, membership to AHA, networking opportunities. Goal is to have a membership of 244. Currently there are 122 members. There are brochures at registration table and on the website
There are two board member vacant positions as of October. Holly Langster and Stephana Loyd will be rotating off and we are seeking candidates and nominations. If you are interested in self-nomination, please submit CV and/or resume by September 1, 2012.
Program Committee Update: Holly Langster
October 4, 2012 is the meeting in conjunction with the AHA annual meeting and usually involves the ASBN speaker.
Logo Contest – winner will be announced at the fall conference and the new logo will be unveiled. We would like to do poster presentations at future conferences that would highlight best practices occurring around the state. In the near future, there will be a call for abstracts in March or April in preparation of this for the spring conference.
Webpage Committee Update- Barbara Dyson
October 4, 2012, the new website will be revealed also. Each member was asked to visit the current website so that a basis of comparison can occur when you see the new one. If you have any suggestions for website improvements, please let Barbara know. Some past suggestions include benefits of membership, member blog, posting of AONE national news, etc.
Financial Report – A financial report was provided by Julie Brandt, President. As of July 31, 2012, there is a balance of $17,568.61cash and $5504.90 in a CD for total of $23,073.51. This does not include costs for this conference plus the $1000 donation for ArNA. We are also in the process of obtaining national speakers for future conference.
ASBN T-shirt Contest – Sandy Priebe
Arkansas State Board of Nursing T-shirt design content flyer was distributed. Sandy indicated the deadline for submission of design is September 7, 2012.
Adjournment- The meeting adjourned at 12:46 PM by Julie Brandt, President.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Hickman, RN, ArONE Secretary
Spring Business Meeting Minutes – 4/27
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See the attendance roster at the ArONE conference.
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Julie Brandt, President at 12:15 PM.
Minutes – Minutes from October 6, 2011 were briefly reviewed.
Introduction of ArONE Board Members– Julie Brandt
The following board members were introduced to the members: Holly Langster, Stephana Loyd, Barbara Dyson, Rick Billingsley, Paulette Tolefree, Louise Hickman.
Membership Update – Paulette Tolefree
Members were emailed and encouraged to renew their membership with ArONE. Currently there are 107 members. Paulette encouraged all to renew/join ArONE and get involved. There are brochures at registration table and on the website
Program Update: Holly Langster
There are usually 3 meetings a year for ArONE (Spring, Summer, and Fall). Suggested topics for the summer conference were meaningful use, ACO’s and care transitions. Any other suggestions should be communicated to Holly Langster. October 4, 2012 is the meeting in conjunction with the AHA annual meeting and usually involves the ASBN speaker. Tentative dates for the summer conference were discussed.
Financial Report – A financial report was provided by Julie Brandt, President. As of March 31, 2012, there is a balance of $19,763.81 cash and $5504.9 in a CD.
Logo Contest
There was a bylaws change last October that included an acronym change for our state organization from AONE to ArONE to not confuse Arkansas Organization of Nurse Executives with American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) acronym. Following the bylaws changes a logo contest was initiated and we received a total of 16 submissions. The Board narrowed the selections to 4. Survey Monkey will be utilized for the voting process via email with the winning logo to be unveiled at the October meeting.
Webpage – Barbara Dyson
The revised webpage will be unveiled in October meeting as well. The members present were asked for suggestion for value/meaningful links to be available on the ArONE website and to send those suggestions to her.
ARNA 100th Anniversary Celebration – Shirlene Harris/Veronica Clark
Information was provided by the representatives about the celebration activities throughout the state that are being sponsored by the ARNA districts. Discussion followed about the final gala event in December. Packets with letters, history, Governors proclamation and informatin about the gala event were distributed to those present.
National AONE update – Barbara Dyson/Louise Hickman
Barbara and Louise attended the national AONE meeting in March in Boston. Both shared with the group some updates from the meeting. Barbara focused on the IOM report on Future of Nursing. She shared some of the ways that the other states are beginning to address these topics and some suggestions on what we could possibly consider. Louise focused on the general and concurrent sessions and shared some samples of what other institutions are doing to address the roles of APN, value based reform, rapid cycle changes and culture of safety, and innovative technology for practices. She also discussed the 63 poster sessions and how awesome some of the posters were. She posed the question to the members present if we should consider future poster session at our conferences.
Adjournment– The meeting adjourned at 12:45 PM by Julie Brandt, President.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Hickman, RN
ArONE Secretary
Annual Business Meeting Minutes – 10/6
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See the attendance roster at the ArONE conference held the 2nd day of the AHA annual meeting.
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Julie Brandt, President @ 12:25 PM.
Minutes – Minutes from August 5, 2011 meeting were available on the tables for review. An opportunity was provided for discussion, request, or edit. A motion was made to accept the minutes as presented, and that motion was seconded. The minutes were approved as presented.
Financial Report – A financial report was provided by Julie Brandt, President. As of September 30, 2011, there is a balance of $20,752.03 which includes $15,294.08 cash and $5457.95 in a CD. Lyndsey Dumas maintains our financial statements and was applauded for this excellent work.
Committee Reports
Membership – It was reported that the chapter currently has 141 members compared to 113 in 2009. Other statistics provided by the membership leader was available on the table for review and will be attached to the minutes.
Bylaws – Barbara Mazzuchi reported that the board has been working on the bylaws revisions and was sent to the membership in advance of this meeting so that final action could be voted on at this meeting. After lengthy discussion on Section 1.2 Affiliate Members, there was a motion to change the wording in that section to strike the part about non-RN can become members. There were no objections to this motion and the bylaws with the indicated change passed by vote of 19 to 0 in favor of revisions. This included the increase in due to $50.00/year.
Summer Conference– Cheryl Hoying, President of national AONE was the keynote speaker during the conference and displayed the new AONE logo. This conference had great evaluations.
Old Business
None to report.
New Business
Arkansas Organization of Nurse Executive’s logo- The newly proposed acronym for the Arkansas AONE will now be ArONE and was approved by the membership present. At the August 4th board meeting, there was a recommendation to have a design contest for our new log that would go along with our new acronym (ArONE). Guidelines will be distributed to the members once approved and communication of the contest prize will be done.
Board member vacancies
The current board members and positions held were recognized by Julie Brandt, President. There are two members who will be off going members as of October 2011 and the membership will need to vote today to replace these members. There will also be a president elect position on the board that is vacant and will be voted on today. Julie Brandt, President also reminded the membership about some of the responsibilities of the board members. These included making policy decisions, establishing rules for the organization, determining bylaws for the organization, making resolutions and other actions and developing and approving an annual budget. The President elect will serve 1 year as President Elect and then 2 years as President.
The ballots were distributed after a brief introduction and biographical presentation of the candidates. The ballot included the following:
President Elect: Barb Mazzuchi and Lori Brown
Board member: Richard Billingsley, Mary Helen Forrest, Geneva Murphy, Peggy Pierre, and Paulette Tolefree
There were no write in candidates nominated by the membership. The voting occurred and the President Elect was announced to be Barb Mazzuchi. The voting for the board members (after a tie vote) was announced to be Richard Billingsley and Paulette Tolefree.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM by Julie Brandt, President.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Hickman, RN
ArONE Secretary